WORKSHOP: Negotiating Contracts for Digital Artists
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Montréal time
Agora du Cœur des sciences
(taxes and fees included)What is the difference between an exhibition contract, a performance contract, and a distribution contract? What about an exclusive license as compared to a non-exclusive one? What are typical contracting terms and what should you, as an artist, be looking out for to best protect your creative work?
This workshop is aimed at digital artists and creatives who would like to gain practical experience in negotiating contracts. Eliane Ellbogen (intellectual property lawyer and founder / former director of digital art centre Eastern Bloc) will lay out the basic principles of contract law, explore the most common types of contracts used in the artistic and creative industries, and guide workshop participants in a simulated contract negotiation.
Hexagram-UQAM room: The roomSB-4105 is located on the 4th floor of the Pavillon des Sciences Biologiques at UQAM (141, avenue du Président-Kennedy). The entrance to the building is on the southwest corner facing Kimberley Street and is wheelchair accessible. The elevators are located on the left as you enter. The nearest metro station is Place-des-Arts which has a ramp. Accessible toilets are available at the entrance of the room.
Please note that this activity will be held in English only. During the event, no translation or interpreter for the hearing impaired will be present.
This event will take place in person at the rooms indicated and no virtual streaming retransmission will be made and offered.
By your presence on the premises, you consent to being filmed, photographed and MUTEK has all rights to this material for the purposes of promotion and publication.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
13:00_14:00 Montréal time