Montréal Québec Canada
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Cœur des sciences

This year, the Forum will be held at the Agora Hydro-Québec of the Cœur des sciences de l'UQAM, an exceptional venue that will enhance each event.

Established by UQAM in 2006, the Cœur des sciences is a cultural center whose mission is to contribute to the development of scientific culture among adults and high school students. A friendly meeting place for researchers, artists and citizens, it offers a variety of activities such as conferences, debates, shows, urban walks, excursions and workshops. Cœur des sciences also organize innovative school activities such as the Sprints de sciences, participatory online conferences given in all Quebec schools, and the Balado Sciences contest, which invites students to meet scientists in their community.

Visit on Google maps

Wheelchair Accessible / Access Map: Accès (
UQAM | Coeur des sciences | Agora du Coeur des sciences
