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Matthew ChaimCA/QC

Matthew Chaim<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Matthew ChaimCA/QC
PANEL: Enter the Musicverse – What’s Next for Music in Web3

08.26 | 13:00_14:00 Montréal time

Matthew Chaim is a genre-melding singer-songwriter from Montréal, Canada. Chaim's debut album The Mathematics of Nature was released in November 2019, highly inspired by his cross-country drive through the states earlier that year. In early 2021, Chaim started Songcamp — a space for web3-curious musicians to explore these nascent technologies together and discover new ways to empower themselves and their art. Now well established as a web3 laboratory experimenting at the edges of music and the new internet, Songcamp is contributing to the redefinition of how artists create, distribute and value their work.

Presented with the support of Resident Advisor
