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Nathalie BachandCA/QC

Nathalie Bachand<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Nathalie BachandCA/QC
Q&A(FR): Baron Lanteigne

08.25 | 16:00_17:00 Montréal time

Nathalie Bachand is an independent curator interested in digital issues and the conditions of its emergence in contemporary art. Among her curatorial projects, her exhibition The Dead Web - The End, initially presented at Eastern Bloc in Montréal (2017), has been co-produced by Molior in Europe: in Lyon (2019), Geneva (2019) and Budapest (2020). She was guest curator for Art souterrain 2021 in Montréal; and her latest exhibition project, DataffectS, was presented at the Galerie de l'UQAM in Montréal (2022). She is a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), writes regularly on visual and media arts, and sits on the Board of Directors at Avatar in Québec City. Previously in charge of development for ELEKTRA-BIAN (2006-2016), she is currently co-artistic director and project manager for Sporobole.
