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Marek BlottiereFR/QC

Marek Blottiere<sup>FR/QC</sup>
Marek BlottiereFR/QC
WORKSHOP : Fest-Forward Imagining Future Festivals

08.23 | 14:30_17:00 Montréal time

Marek Blottiere is a student-researcher in Science and Technology Studies (STS) interested in AI development in Canada. In parallel to his studies, he joined the Campus team of the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) in 2020. As a service agent, he participates in the accompaniment and training of adults and children to new technologies (Djing, Mapping, VR, etc.).

Blottiere is currently in his last year of a master's degree at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) and was awarded a grant from the Fond de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture. As part of his research for the Shaping AI project, he is studying the Canadian media ecosystem and how it shapes the cultural politics of AI.
